Sales Velocity TV and Radio is sponsored by PipelinePRO, the Ultimate “All-In-One” Sales Pipeline Management & Marketing Automation Platform that makes ALL others obsolete. And we can prove it! Take a tour at:
In This Episode You Will Discover:
How to develop an elegant system that prequalifies your prospects with the right information and value, so they are predisposed to buy even before they meet with you.
Why trying to overcome objections instantly and forcibly is an outdated and exhausting process, creates friction and is totally unnecessary.
The BIG 5: The 5 most frequent reasons for objections and how to overcome them elegantly and with grace!
The one thing you should do to always avoid Buyer’s Remorse!
How Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos removed the biggest objection from the process of buying shoes online and was greatly successful.
Why knowing your audience and their pain-points before they get to you, is how you sell more with less resistance.
When you are always negotiating and cutting deals, not only does your brand look desperate, but also you are devaluing your product/service.
Most people say No “for now” and not No “forever”, which can be converted into a Yes by creating a well thought out follow up process.
To be Pro at making Sales, you should have no attachment to the outcomes, which is obtained through constant lead flow and believing in your offer.
How the right marketing precedes a great Sales process.
How to avoid the dreaded land of “leads poverty.”
Sales Velocity TV and Radio is sponsored by PipelinePRO, the Ultimate “All-In-One” Sales Pipeline Management & Marketing Automation Platform that makes ALL others obsolete. And we can prove it! Take a tour at PipelinePRO.