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Episode 136 : Our Freedom Is Under Attack! As Business Owners, Here's How We Can Fight Back (Recast)

Updated: Aug 28, 2023

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Believe it or not, as Business Owners and Entrepreneurs, we are more driven by "time freedom" than we are by "money." The freedom to work for ourselves on our terms while having no ceiling on our income potential is something most would give anything for. In fact, it's the American Dream. And many crawl over broken glass to get to America to experience it...

In this Episode of Sales Velocity TV, Andrew and Aaron veered off a bit and discussed a disturbing trend underway, an attack on our personal freedoms, now happening in plain sight that will not only affect your business, but your life and the lives of your children in the years ahead, if nothing is done about it. Sometimes we get so busy IN the business that we fail to SEE the trends around us that will affect everything we own and care about. Watch this one closely…

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Sales Velocity TV and Radio is sponsored by PipelinePRO, the Ultimate “All-In-One” Sales Pipeline Management & Marketing Automation Platform that makes ALL others obsolete. And we can prove it!

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